Am Wegesrand in Hannover

Am Wegesrand wachsen oft schönere Blumen als die die wir im Garten oder im Gewächshaus sehen können.

Unterwegs in Hannover:

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2 Gedanken zu „Am Wegesrand in Hannover“

  1. After seeing you liked my post (thank you very much by the way) I had to call my best fnired, Colleen, to ask if her father read my blog. When I saw your title, I just assumed it had to be my best fnired’s father, who at some point in his marriage had to exclaim at least once, Oh God, My Wife Is German. When Colleen and I were young we sat around and made her mom say things, like pony with her accent. Being a very sweet lady, she indulged us. When we were going out on dates she told us how to flirt in German. Ah, you brought back some memories! Jeeze, my best fnired’s mom is German! Hugs to you and your wife.

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