Ein Gedanke zu „I5279-Ahlenmoor“

  1. As a family we crrlentuy don’t have a car, for a couple of boring reasons but one them being that we just can’t afford a car at the moment. So as a family of four, we have to rely on the bus service. Now we live in the middle of nowhere and 6 miles from our nearest town. We have 4 buses during the day, basically you can’t go anywhere before 8.30am and if you miss the last bus back at 5.30pm, sorry but your getting a taxi costing a38. And how many workplaces do you know will allow you to do 9am 5pm to allow for bus services, unless your part time. For a us two adults and two kids, a return ticket is a38. I am personally of the opinion that the youths and young people of today, have it a damn sight easier than in my day. (I know sounding like a grumpy old man) but it’s true. All the students that go to the little college in town get free bus travel, if they can be bothered to get up early enough. They already get help with all their college tuition etc etc. I’m also of the opinion that Over 60 s should pay a little in bus fare too, even if it’s at a reduced rate. The more money we can put into local transport, the more it will be used and the more available it will become. People moan about putting money into local transport, but the more money you put in, the more it becomes available, the cheaper it becomes the more it is used. and the reverse if you want to kill off transport. Young people need to realise that life isn’t a free ride, we all have to pay our bit into society relative to our positions in society, therefore the poor aren’t made to pay for the rich, and the rich pay their way.

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